2025 Australia Day Dance School EOI Application -



Thank you for your interest in performing at the City of Ryde's 2025 Australia Day event, Sunday 26th January. 

Please note that by submitting a form this does not automatically mean you have been accepted. This is not a paid performance and all groups are required to have $20 million Public Liability Insurance to perform. 

This is the perfect opportunity to be involved in a community event that attracts up to 5000 attendees across the day. 

We will be in touch on the outcome of your application by the end of October 2024. 

Please fill in the following details with care.


Please fill in all the fields

Name of Organisation
Group Name *
Are you or your organisation based in the City of Ryde LGA? *
Please provide your address *
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile *
Email *
Facebook link:
Instagram link:
YouTube link:

About the Performance

Number of Performers *
Duration of Performance in minutes *
Please note that due to high demand, you may not be able to perform for your entire requested length. We will endeavour to provide all applicants with as much time as possible. City of Ryde Council staff have the right to reduce performance times should the stage be running behind schedule. We ask that all performers strictly stick to their allocated performance time.
Performance space in square metres required
Please upload a photo of your group *
If you would like to provide a promotional photo of your group please do so here. Please note this photo may be used to promote your performance to the public.

Insurance & Consent

In order to perform on stage you need at least $20 million public liability insurance. If you are accepted you will be required to send through a copy of your certificate.

Public Liability Insurance Expiry Date *
In completing this form you will be prompted to supply personal information for the purposes of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.The supply of this information is voluntary. If you cannot provide, or do not wish to provide the information requested, the Council may be unable to process your application form. Council is required under the Act to inform you about how your personal information is being collected and used. If you require further information, contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on 9952 8222 and ask for an information sheet to be forwarded to you.
I agree that everything I have entered above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. *

Review your signature

Draw your signature